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Golden Key Steps

"Key steps", Lera, M-J, Jensen, K., Josang, F., Buccoliero, E., Symanscka, J. & Timmermans, J. (2007)

1. Classroom Management 1.1. Flow and continuity: don’t let behaviour interrupt lessons or work in classroom by trying to go on and deal with behaviour at the same time 1.2. Attention: Pay attention to and praise in front of the whole class positive behaviour or behaviour you want more of. 1.3. Proactively: Solving problems on low levels (private, low voice, near the pupil, before or after class). 1.4. Progression: Build up a system for managing behaviour (looks, use signs, get nearer the pupil, talk quietly and inform about the expected behaviour). 1.5. Preactivity: Think out what can happen and be prepared. 1.6. Reactivity: Talk to the pupil after the lesson and agree on what to do next lesson or talk about alternative behaviour or inform upon your reaction/consequences if negative behaviour continues. 1.7. Matching: Be sure that your reaction is proportionate and seems reasonable to the problematic behaviour. 1.8. Timing: Deal with problematic behaviour as soon as possible. 1.9. Momentum: Be sure that you organise activities and give messages in natural, well-staged sequences. 1.10. Anchoring and futuring: What have we done and learnt, what went well last time and what are we going to learn and do today or in this lesson. 1.11. Breaking patterns: Look for behaviour patterns between pupils or between you and the pupils and try to break them by doing something other than what you normally do. 1.12. Remembering: Write all your messages, tips and instructions for work on the board or on the worksheet.

"Golden5 Diary"

This diary is a tool to facilite the implementation of golden keysteps in a more sistematic way; ten weeks are included. The document is a draft, therefore any idea and suggestion is welcome. It is designed to be printed, cut, and folder.